The Partially Sighted Society News Page

World Braille Day!

World Braille Day!

In case you didn't know, today is World Braille Day! January 4th is the birthday of Louis Braille, inventor of the writing system used by over 30,000 people in UK alone.
Robyn, one of our trustees just told us "A random fact is quite a few shortbread boxes have Braille on too, I find identifying the best biscuit ever high on the priorities of life! Walkers, Co-op and Morrisons" are just a few examples of the Braille'd buttery goodness.
World Braille Day is a reminder of the importance of accessibility and independence for people who are blind or visually impaired, so even if you don't currently read Braille, it's important to shout about it from the rooftops to get more people thinking about visual impairments in general.
If you're interested in learning Braille, Robyn told us about this fantastic YouTube channel which is a perfect place to start.