We Need your Help!!!
@followers Please share with your networks!
Do you have any spare balls of unused wool you would be willing to donate to our lovely PSS Knit & Natter group?
We specifically want colourful shades that our participants can work with a little more easily, but anything you can offer will be greatly appreciated.
Please send any wool donations to our Sight Center at the following address:
The Partially Sighted Society
1 Bennetthorpe
Or pop in and see us to drop off your donations.
Thanks in Advance.
#partiallysightedsociety #partsight #PartiallySighted #pss #charity #SightLoss #visuallyimpaired #visualimpairment #knitandnatter #canyouhelp #weneedyourhelp #weneedyou #WeNeedYourSupport #knitting #knit #wool