The Partially Sighted Society News Page

SIGHT LOSS is Not Just Sight Loss.

SIGHT LOSS is Not Just Sight Loss.

SIGHT LOSS is not just sight loss.
When we think about sight loss, we sometimes concentrate so much on the 'sight' part, that we forget about the 'loss', and what this means for the individual and their life as a whole.
The loss of something or someone can cause grief, and a significant period of bereavement as a person tries to accept and adjust to their life without the thing or person they have lost. This process is different for everyone.
Losing your sight can bring up a complex mix of emotions, as invariably it is not only the vision that is lost, but also the things the vision allowed you to do, such as driving, working, cooking, and hobbies. These things mean a lot to us as naturally they are linked to our identity, and our independence.
At The Partially Sighted Society, we strive to offer a holistic package of support to anybody with sight loss. We will give you time and space to tell your story and explore with you what needs you have to maintain your quality of life and independence, both practically and psychologically.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Phone: 01302 965195
Or pop in to our sight centre in Doncaster:
1 Bennetthorpe