The Partially Sighted Society News Page

Life After Sight Loss 2 Day Course

Life After Sight Loss 2 Day Course

Bookings are now being taken for our Life After Sight Loss 2 day course. Places are limited, and at £20 for the combined 2 days they will go quickly.
If you, or someone you know has recently been given a sight loss diagnosis, or has been struggling for some time to come to terms with having a visual impairment, then this course is for you/them!
Over the 2 days we will cover a range of topics including:
The Eye, eye health, and common eye conditions
Low Vision assessments and Sight Tests
Adaptive technology
Tips, techniques & gadgets
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Benefits and Support
and much more...
Location: The Partially Sighted Society, 1 Bennetthorpe, Doncaster, DN2 6AA
Please share this event so that we are able to help as many people as possible.
To book please email: