The Partially Sighted Society News Page

Knit & Natter

Knit & Natter

We had a delightful time at this month's Knit & Natter, with a special birthday shoutout to our dear Dorothy!
Dorothy wore a badge at her birthday celebration that said "39 today!" Well, she doesn't look a day over 30.
Dorothy's infectious personality and beautiful knitting skills always brighten our gatherings. As always we shared laughter, stories, and of course, plenty of yarn as we all stitched away.
Didn't manage to make it this month? Don't worry! We meet every first Wednesday of the month, so join us for our next Knit & Natter on the 3rd of July. It's a great way to relax, socialise, and create something beautiful – all while learning some new tips and tricks from fellow crafting enthusiasts.