As a charity designing specialist stationary for children with visual impairments and processing difficulties, we are aware of the lack of resources in developing countries such as Tanzania. We are so proud and humbled to be able to pay it forward and donate our very slight 'second' books, and always happy hear they landed safely.
Today we received the following feedback from our friends in Tanzania and we are overjoyed:
"This is to let you know that, as of today, all (approximately 780) exercise books you kindly donated back in December have now been sent to Tanzania! 21 parcels have gone, via AfB, to 7 schools for use through their special needs departments. Another 1 has gone to be used where needed by the Tanzania Albinism Society. From what we hear, stationery cupboards are now well-stocked with items for low-vision students!
Of those 22, we know 10 have already arrived so please receive grateful thanks from Ernest at Mvumi, Patrick, Baraka and Mr Anthony who look after students with disabilities in 4 other schools in Dodoma region as well as Ahia and Erick over at Murgwanza together with Daniel and Joseph Peter up at USA River!
When we were out in Tanzania, earlier this year, everyone we spoke to expressed huge appreciation for your generosity. The books are very popular - there were even suggestions that you might be able to produce books which could be used for two different subjects - squares at one end and lines at the other - or just with blank pages!"