The Partially Sighted Society News Page

2 Million Steps For 2 Million People

2 Million Steps For 2 Million People

This year, one of our main focuses of our organisation will be on bringing more awareness to visual impairments. We’ve seen over the course of the past few years what incredible impact people can make when they come together for a common goal.
This year, we’ve decided to launch our own initiative, the 2 Million Steps for 2 Million People.
There are over 2 million people living with sight loss in the UK alone, our plan is to get out and about to walk a combined 2 million steps, getting active whilst also raising awareness and vital funds for our organisation.
If you’d like to get involved, all you have to do is click the link below and press “Start Fundraising” on the JustGiving page. Monitor and post your progress and we’ll update you all throughout the year on how close we are to achieving this mammoth target of walking the 2 million steps!
To put 2 million steps into a bit of context, it’s 4120 lengths of London Bridge, or around a quarter of the length of the entire River Amazon!
We hope to get a lot of you involved and the more people we can get working with us on this the better, so make sure to share this post and tag your friends.
Together, we can make a massive difference.